Summ Wint

Česky Anglicky Německy Polsky



Most Visited Mountain Range in Czech Republic

Krkonose are biggest mountain range in Czechia and therefore most valued for tourist purposes. Harshest mountains between Alps and Scandinavian peaks are visited by hundreds of thousands of people each and every year. If you dare to put on hiking boots, cross country skies or get on the bike, you will be rewarded by the beautiful nature and remarkable views. There is much more activities to try here, visit and try them yourself.

Picturesque and Breathtaking Nature

Peaks of the mountains are most beautiful when lit up by rising sun, when fog is resting down in the valley, when it is just you and the nature. There are many of small cottages, that have been here for hundreds of years. They still, up until now offer you shelter and warm meal, when surprised by bad weather or if you just want to take a break during your hike. 

Krkonose Treasures

Tourist industry began to settle into Krkonose at the end of 18th century, mainly due to better infrastructure and better roads. Because of it’s beauty, Krkonose were designated to become National Park in 1963. In 1992 Krkonose National Park also became preserved by UNESCO as a natural heritage. Highest peak of Czech Republic also rises in Krkonose and it is called Snezka 1602 meters above the sea level. Nature around sneak is very rare and therefore preserved. You should not be walking outside of regular trails. The biggest Czech river Labe also streams out of the ground in Krkonose. 

Amazing Year Round

Nature is quite unique here, no matter what time of the year you are visiting. No matter how you get around, you can always enjoy the nature, see it with your own eyes and make memories.

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